Classify a Threat Scenario by Function/ business group and associate them with specific cyber threat vectors by dragging and dropping it from the "Unclassified section, to one of the other sections/functions.
Below, you'll notice that the "Ransomware - IT Servers and Endpoints" Threat Scenario has not been categorized by Function:
You can either drag that into one of the functions or select the Threat Scenario and then modify it. If modifying it, once in the Threat Scenario overview, select the Function field to see the available options that can be associated with that threat:
Select the applicable Functions/ business groups:
Now select the Threat Objective field and select the applicable Cyber Threats (optional)
Toggle back to the Brainstorm Board to see that the previously unclassified Threat Scenario is now associated with different Functions/ business groups.
Toggle to the Scenario Coverage Table to see that the Threat Scenario (noted by the number 5) has been associated with specific Threat Objectives: "Data Destruction or Alteration" and "Cyber Extortion."
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