Assessment Sharing
1. Assessments can be shared with registered users inside an organization as well as by email if they are not registered. Additionally, you can share with external users if your organization has external sharing enabled. To share an assessment, navigate to you user account icon, and select Share Assessment.
2. On the Ownership and Sharing screen, it will show any users from your company which are registered in the platform, if users are not registered you can type their email address and click add as well and it will send an email asking them to register and the assessment will be shared with them once they register into the platform. When sharing you can also notify the people with a generic message letting them know the assessment has been shared or you can customize the assessment with the Add Message button.
3. Once you have added that person, notice the pencil icon to the right. The default is Edit, you may change it to read only or change ownership to that user.
4. Once finished click Done.

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