Detailed Axio360 Platform reference documentation
The Axio Platform page has left and right navigation areas, while the main work area is in the center of the UI. At initial sign-in the Welcome page is displayed and quick step access to start different workflows.

Welcome page
Under the user profile menu, users can make changes to anything considered, users have access to the following:
- Edit profile
- Log out
- Terms of Service
- Provide Feedback
- Email Axio Support
Those 5 menu entries are basic and always available. Depending on the navigation path to the profile menu, different edit options are provided based on the current selection in the left navigation area. The options include edits to targets, schedules, or export of graphics and reports. Page specific options are separated by a divider.

User profile
Use the right or left pointing chevrons at the bottom left navigation area to expand and collapse the left sidebar navigation. Icons and labels are visible when the sidebar is expanded. The expanded sidebar displays over the active work tray. A collapsed sidebar displays icons only.
Sidebar navigation entry points:
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