Detailed Axio360 Platform reference
Axio gives you comprehensive visibility into your IT and OT environments – so you can plug security gaps and stay ahead of attackers. The following information provides an overview of the registration and sign-in flow for Axio360.
Users can register after navigating to the sign-in URL by selecting the Register option on the sign-in modal. Single Sign On (SSO) is also an option:

Initial Sign-in
Users have an option to set up their user profile at this point. User profile can be updated at any time through the Edit Profile workflow.
Following a successful sign-up users can utilize the tour wizard for a quick intro to the main UI navigation elements and areas. A quick 7 card tour provides information about the functional areas of the Axio Platform user interface (UI). Click the user profile area to access the tour.

Welcome tour wizard
To exit the tour use X or Close Tour.
On subsequent sign-ins, the Axio platform welcome page displays:

Axio Welcome page
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